Public holidays
Our office will be closed on May 1st for a public holiday. Phone and online support will be unavailable, and no shipments will be dispatched. We will resume operations on May 2nd and process orders in the order they were received. Thank you for your understanding.
Our office will be closed on May 1st for a public holiday. We will resume operations on May 2nd.
Thank you for your understanding.
How to search
1. Use remote control model
eq. model BN59-01259B, you can try:
  • BN59-01259B, BN59-01259B
  • BN59-01259B, BN59-01259B
2. Use device model
eq. model KDL-60W855B, you can try
  • KDL-60W855B, KDL-60W855B
  • KDL-60W855B, KDL-60W855B
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Funny remote stories

Sometimes communication with a customer brings an interesting story. It would be a shame if we left them in the drawer of our company.
The cup overflowed..
Alright. I understand. Send it express, otherwise my husband will kill those kids who broke the original remote.
It was the remote = main suspect
Good evening, the TV switches itself to Rakuten after being turned on via the remote control. Is it a remote fault? Or is it about a hacker who hacked into the TV?
Party at a friend's
Okay, I was at a party and sat on the remote for this TV. My friend's parents aren't home until Sunday, so I think I'll buy a replacement because it's unlikely they'll notice. It just doesn't have the vivax logo. Do you think there's a chance the remote will arrive in Croatia before the weekend, even if I pay for the most expensive shipping option?
Eye (wife) takes
Hello, just for info, the remote from you has all the functions - my wife immediately took it away, so I have to get another one for myself.
Workplace relationships
The original remote was stepped on by a colleague who thought I wanted to fire her from work.
And the kids..
I cannot send you a photo of the original remote because the child broke it into pieces with a hammer while playing.
Ritual dance
It's funny, the old one sometimes works, but you have to dance around the soundbar and after several beers, it's hard work. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! May the power of homemade vodka be with you.
Hello, in addition to controlling my girlfriend, I also need to control the LG webOS TV 43UJ6307. If you don't have one for my girlfriend, it's okay, I'll use a broomstick handle or a club on her. :)