RECOMMENDED BY OUR CHIEF TECHNICIAN!! Winner of our test! Intuitive control anyone can handle.
Multifunctional energy meter - wattmeter. This device is useful in every household and office. By using the energy meter, you can accurately monitor energy consumption and costs.
- display of current time:
- display of mains voltage:
- display of current consumption:
- display of current load of the socket (power of the device in watts):
- displays and records the total electricity consumed:
- displays and records the total time on and energy bills (after defining the rate):
- displays frequency of the electrical network, power factor
Power supply 230VAC 50Hz
Maximum operating current 16A
Voltage range 230V - 250V
Time display range 0sec - 9999days
Power display (W) 0W - 9999W
Voltage display 0V - 9999V
Current display (A) 0.000A - 16.000A
Frequency display 0Hz - 9999Hz
Minimum power display range 0.0W - 9999W
Maximum power display range 0.0 - 9999W
kWh display 0.000 - 9999kWh
Memory retention 1x 3.6V battery

RECOMMENDED BY OUR CHIEF TECHNICIAN!! Winner of our test! Intuitive control anyone can handle.
Multifunctional energy meter - wattmeter. This device is useful in every household and office. By using the energy meter, you can accurately monitor energy consumption and costs.
- display of current time:
- display of mains voltage:
- display of current consumption:
- display of current load of the socket (power of the device in watts):
- displays and records the total electricity consumed:
- displays and records the total time on and energy bills (after defining the rate):
- displays frequency of the electrical network, power factor
Power supply 230VAC 50Hz
Maximum operating current 16A
Voltage range 230V - 250V
Time display range 0sec - 9999days
Power display (W) 0W - 9999W
Voltage display 0V - 9999V
Current display (A) 0.000A - 16.000A
Frequency display 0Hz - 9999Hz
Minimum power display range 0.0W - 9999W
Maximum power display range 0.0 - 9999W
kWh display 0.000 - 9999kWh
Memory retention 1x 3.6V battery

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